Raymond van Barneveld didn’t practice for a week in relaxed preparation for European Darts Open

Raymond van Barneveld secured a spot in the last 32 at the European Darts Open on Friday night after a hard-fought victory over Krzysztof Ratajski. After a deciding leg it was 6-5 for 'Barney'.

Ratajski started the match by keeping his own leg, before Van Barneveld made it 1-1 with a 16-darter. 'Barney' then posted a break via double 5, but immediately lost the break again in the fourth leg. Ratajski then threw out 112 to take a 3-2 lead.

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The equalizer came in the sixth leg after a 71 check-out. Ratajski then also came up with another good finish, as an 85 finish made it 4-3 in favor of the Pole. Van Barneveld evened the score again, this time with a 13-darter.

Both men then held their throw again, forcing a deciding leg. Then came the slip by Ratajski, who was not out in five visits. Van Barneveld punished this mercilessly with a 64 finish for the win.

''The last leg was an incredible leg. He missed and I went out,'' spoke a happy Van Barneveld afterwards. The next opponent, however, will not be the least. ''You playing class players and tomorrow (Saturday) I'm playing Luke Humphries.”

Van Barneveld appeared relaxed at the start of the Euro Tour tournament in Leverkusen. ''I went to Turkey for a holiday with my family last week, so I didn't practice for a week. I feel relaxed and maybe felt better tonight than at every European Tour I played before.

The 57-year-old is one of seven Dutchmen in the last 32 at the European Darts Open. Gian van Veen, Michael van Gerwen, Danny Noppert, Dirk van Duijvenbode, Kevin Doets and Jeffrey de Graaf will also be in action Saturday during the second round.

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