Van der Voort recalls memories of first visit to Ahoy Rotterdam: ''I had never seen anything like it''

Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 15:00
vincent van der voort 1
This year marks the seventh season that the Premier League Darts will visit Ahoy Rotterdam. Darter and analyst Vincent van der Voort was there when the PDC first came to the Netherlands in 2016 to complete a round of play of the world's best darts competition.
"I had never seen anything like it," the darter from Purmerend states to Sportnieuws. "So many darts fans sitting there and then Michael and Raymond van Barneveld were both still playing."
Van der Voort himself has never had the pleasure of playing a match in Ahoy. However, he was often absent to give his analysis on Dutch television. This studio has a spot in the stands in Ahoy, so he is noticed by the Dutch fans and then often loudly sung to. "It's kind of strange that everybody knows you," Van der Voort said about that.
This year, Michael van Gerwen is the only Dutchman who gets to play in front of his own crowd in Ahoy Rotterdam. 'Mighty Mike' will be supported by thousands of fans mostly dressed in orange.
"It's a unique atmosphere. In all those other halls a lot of people are dressed up, but here the orange is so predominant. The other players find that special, too,'' Van der Voort said.
Van der Voort himself does not call it a loss that he never got the chance to play in the Premier League. "I was around it for a few years, but I never saw it as a big miss. It's a great tournament, but I've always had to watch my place in the rankings in my career and competing is not always good for your spot in the world rankings."

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