Mikuru Suzuki is one of the players that will be involved in the World Championship Rest of the World qualifier.
Suzuki spoke ahead of it to and admitted it would be really special to be involved and would be a very memorable experience. "I really enjoy winning but at the moment, I am only winning the ladies professional tournaments. I have confidence in the ladies events", said Suzuki. "I am also participating in The World Soft-Tip Darts tournament and also various steel tip tournaments where I go up against the men. My results against the men is still not very good; so that will be my motivation going forward." "It would be really special. I'd really like to have a chance to experience the atmosphere of the venue, the crowds," Suzuki added. "I've only seen the event on television but have never been a part of it. It will be a very memorable experience; should I be able to qualify.''
Foto: Pieter Verbeek/PV-Darts