📊 Players with over a thousand televised 180s in the last five years 👇 🟢 1,299 🐍 1,199 🐂 1,125
He is no longer number one in the world, but Michael van Gerwen still leads another list.
Darts Orakel, a Twitter account that deals with all kinds of data and statistics, calculated that Michael van Gerwen has thrown a 180 no less than 1299 times in a TV tournament in the last five years.
Only two other players also managed to throw more than a thousand 180s in the last five years. Peter Wright threw 1199 and Michael Smith 1125.
📊 Players with over a thousand televised 180s in the last five years 👇 🟢 1,299 🐍 1,199 🐂 1,125