11-03-2022 15:03
30-01-2022 09:23
19-01-2022 15:13
13-01-2022 22:32
13-01-2022 15:48
11-01-2022 22:58
10-01-2022 20:23
07-01-2022 14:16
07-01-2022 13:22
03-01-2022 21:22
With all respect for Danny Noppert, but how will he ever win the World Championship without any massive improvement? Sure at the right day he can play well, but his overall level falls short on many levels compared to others. Yes he won the UK open but that tournament is special with its setup. I don't see how this player (unless he improves massively) win any major where he bumps in to all the great players like a WC, GrandSlam, PL or WM.11-03-2022 15:03
Van Gerwen his shouts are normally never aimed towards the opponent. Much like Cross or Clayton who also shout. Lewis and Huybregts are to others who like to confront their opponent. The face deforming and headbut like movement make him look like a retard but that is about it. Over the passed 10 years he rarely got any complaints or mentioned as a bugger (even by whiners like Lewis). You dont have to like it but this seems a typical case of: I f*cked up, should have won, i am in losing position now type of frustration. Be a man, call him out immediatly or/and when in front (like Anderson) and than they might be taken seriously.30-01-2022 09:23
Anxious to see if these players can turn things around. I fear espacially for the older players that it might be the end for them if they can't find their old form.19-01-2022 15:13
Well who ever qualifies certainly deserves it, but I don't expect much from these qualifiers if players like mcgeeney, burnett, waites and mansell are able to qualify.13-01-2022 22:32
Well mainland Europe contains players all over Europe, so this once again apparently only applies for the mainland Europe players? Aussie and USA players also have a difficult task. I can understand size wise this will be a difficult task and for now darts might be to small world wide and to big in the UK for some even spread.13-01-2022 15:48
It was the same before the pandemic and somehow it doesn't seem to apply for the mainland of Europe?11-01-2022 22:58
Why are the Q-School qualifiers dividee in UK & the rest of Europe? Same thing with other qualifiers. Isn't it time to pile them together in one big bunch and get the best overal, instead of the best per region?10-01-2022 20:23
Just don't make the mistake to watch this. It is absolutely horrible and it will be a waste of time!07-01-2022 14:16
Just because she is a woman, she should be in the Premier League? What a load of rubbish. You also seem to forget Lisa Ashton, who already has a tourcard. She might not be so victorius on the big stage, but on the floor stages see can handle her self pretty well!07-01-2022 13:22
The New top 10 order of merit holds all major winners, atleast 5 world champions and loads of different nationalities. The absolut top players of darts. Stop the ridicilous rule with guests throwers.03-01-2022 21:22