Diogo Portela has claimed a spot at the World Championships at the end of the year. The Brazillian star who as well as being the first Brazillian to be on a Pro Tour and Euro Tour will now be the first one to appear at the World Championships after carving his way through the field at the South and Central American Qualifier held yesterday in Brazil.
Alexandre Sattin 6-2 Bruno Holfman
Troy Bhujhawan 6-3 Erica Babosa
Sudesh Fitzgerald 6-1 Artur Valle
Diogo Portela 6-0 Lallchand Rambharose
Semi final
Alexandre Sattin 6-3 Troy Bhujhawan
Diogo Portela 6-3 Sudesh Fitzgerald
Diogo Portela 6-1 Alexandre Sattin