John Part focused on continuing remarkable UK Open run

John Part is rolling back the years.

A two-time world champion, the Canadian legend has not been in a major quarter-final since 2012. He turned up for the 2018 UK Open with few expecting much of him. Yet Part is now three wins from a stunning major triumph. Darth Maple had to battle to victory in both of his Saturday games. First, he battled back from the brink to overcome Ron Meulenkamp 10-9. Then he did the same again against Mervyn King. From 7-5 down, the 2004 runner-up rattled off five out of the next six legs to prevail 10-8. Key checkouts of 109, 112 and 118 saw Part cross the winning line.
“Mervyn never really got on top of his doubles and I was able to punish him,” said the 51-year-old.
“I stole a few legs with big out-shots at great times and that’s what got me through. I know I can come and play well tomorrow."
Part has played more games than any of his fellow quarter-finalists. The Canadian began in the first round on Friday afternoon. He has played five games, more than the four played by his opponent Robert Owen. Five of the last eight have played just three times. But Part is confident that quality will prevail over tiredness.
"It is challenging because I have been doing this regularly recently but I have been taking my chances and I intend to keep doing it," he said.
“It wasn’t my best game and maybe that was down to a bit of fatigue but that doesn’t mean I can’t find my best stuff on the final day."
Click here for a full breakdown of the UK Open prize money.

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