Edhouse reaches Last 16 for fifth European Tour in a row, Gurney's World Cup hopes end and delightful De Graaf downs Bunting

The opening session of action for the seeded players at the 2024 Dutch Darts Championship hasn't really gone to script for the big names as Ritchie Edhouse, Luke Woodhouse and Jeffrey de Graaf move into the final day in Rosmalen.

Edhouse in particular though is no shock in that department despite taking down one of the biggest names involved this weekend in Damon Heta. 'Madhouse' has been utterly delightful in recent months and has been one of the form players in world darts. He reached the Last 16 for a fifth European Tour in a row following a 6-5 win over the Aussie Heat.

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He took out an utterly sublime 164 checkout to save his skin in the latter stages before surviving a match dart in the decider. Certainly knowing when to peak at the right time is Edhouse at the moment.

As is Jeffrey de Graaf. Technically a home hope but not. He has also been in superb form as of late. The now Swede returned to the country of his birth and has seen off Masters Champion, Stephen Bunting. He was the first through to the Last 16 this afternoon. He produced a 6-3 win with four 180's and 50% on the doubles. After reclaiming his Tour Card after a long time off the tour, he is making the most of his chance and will look to delight the home faithful on Sunday.

Luke Woodhouse has snatched away any hopes of a World Cup bow for Daryl Gurney who loses his streak alongside Brendan Dolan. A big caveat of this weekend came from the World Cup fight. Josh Rock and Brendan Dolan will now team up with Gurney's fall in the rankings meaning that the former will make his debut next month.

The Bewdley ace hit a 99.3 average to win 6-4 and deny him qualification. While also furthering his own ambitions in making the final day.

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