"I have a nice house in the USA, my kids go to school there" - Van Dongen is not yet thinking of returning to the Netherlands

Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 09:00
jules van dongen 64fc80fe787b6

Jules van Dongen was born in the Netherlands, but has been living in Parkville, USA, for quite some time. The 33-year-old darter is not yet considering returning to Europe.

Van Dongen always has to travel a long distance to travel to the PDC tournaments, which almost all take place in Europe. "Still, I am definitely not considering moving back to Europe at the moment," said Van Dongen. "Suppose I were to move now and at the end of this year I lose my Tour Card, what do you do? I have a nice house in the USA, my kids go to school there and my whole social life takes place there. So at the moment that's too big a step."

Still, Van Dongen does not completely rule out a move in the future. "If I were to make the top-50 in the world rankings and I'm throwing really well, then maybe."

Players Championship

It would help Van Dongen though should there be three or four Players Championships after each other, now there are usually only two. "From my perspective, that would indeed be much better. But I think everyone would like that. It would also put less pressure on the players, now if you don't perform one day there is immediately a lot of pressure on that second day."

"I have had to return to the USA empty-handed on numerous occasions," continued 'The Dutch Dragon'. "Then when you include the cost of transportation and accommodation, I don't have to explain to you that I'm even throwing money at it."

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