"I want to play with Josh and Josh wants to play with me!" - Daryl Gurney not giving up on World Cup dream despite trailing Dolan in fight for spot alongside Rock

Since 2016, Daryl Gurney and Brendan Dolan have formed the yearly Northern Ireland partnership at the World Cup of Darts. With Josh Rock becoming the nation's new number one however, the traditional partners have now become rivals for the one remaining spot on offer.

With Gurney and Dolan neck and neck in the PDC Order of Merit, the fight for the position alongside Rock later this summer, looks to be one that will go down to the wire. "I've been favourite all year bar Brendan winning a Pro Tour," Gurney, an ever-present at the World Cup since his 2016 debut, says of the situation in conversation with Online Darts.

"What is he? 500 quid in front of me?" Gurney asks, highlighting just how closely fought the battle for Northern Irish number two really is. "Listen, I would be really disappointed not to play in the World Cup but at the same time, Brendan is the nicest person in the world and if you're going to lose to somebody, I wouldn't mind losing to him. But yeah, I'll be really disappointed if I'm sat at home watching the World Cup."

In their debut year as a duo, Dolan and Gurney actually reached the semi-finals of the World Cup of Darts losing to the eventual winners, English duo Phil Taylor and Adrian Lewis. In the process though, Dolan and Gurney equalled the nation's best-ever performance at the event, when Dolan and Mickey Mansell reached the final four back in 2014.

"I want to play with Josh and Josh wants to play with me!" Gurney insists. "Brendan will more than likely get the spot because my draws have been horrendous on the European Tour, it's getting ridiculous. We'll see how it goes but I think Brendan will just about hold on."

If the pair are drawn against each other at the final European Tour before the cut off however, Gurney and Dolan could be involved in what would essentially be a World Cup of Darts eliminator. "I think looking on form, I'm the better player on stage. So, I would welcome that game," Gurney smiles. "Both of us would be up for it, but it would still be a friendly game. I think the PDC could do that."

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