VIDEO: Dirk van Duijvenbode has enough of throwing for the bull and gives advantage to opponent

Dirk van Duijvenbode made it to the semifinals of a Players Championship tournament last week, but prior to the match against Alan Soutar, something remarkable happened.

Before both men started the semi-finals, they still had to decide who should start the match. At PDC tournaments, throwing at the bull decides who gets to start the match.

For example, when both players hit the bullseye, they must throw again but in reverse order. So sometimes it may take some time for someone to win the toss for the bull.

That is what happened in the match between Van Duijvenbode and Soutar. After about five throws Van Duijvenbode was done with it. After Soutar hit the bullseye, 'Aubergenius' decided to throw his arrow towards the triple 20 so the match could be started. With a gesture towards Soutar, the Dutchman also seemed to indicate that he wanted to get rid of it. The match was over quickly as it ended in a 7-0 victory for Soutar. The Scotsman also went on to win his maiden PDC ranking title after beating Daryl Gurney 8-7 in the final.

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