23-08-2024 18:26
31-07-2024 09:37
09-05-2024 14:27
04-05-2024 19:29
08-10-2023 12:33
30-09-2023 19:24
04-06-2023 21:33
04-06-2023 19:43
17-05-2023 19:09
06-05-2023 23:26
Hardly surprising that a man who was ranked in the top 16 at the start of the year and has won a major is one of the best players on the tour23-08-2024 18:26
He does run his mouth too much , he's a vile man who is far too arrogant. He runs his mouth and then always claims its for a heroic reason when in reality he's a in idiot. Starts fights and hits his compatriots and then whinges about how he's the victim31-07-2024 09:37
slow day at the office?09-05-2024 14:27
Van De Voort and Meulenkamp are just looking for things to moan about at this point04-05-2024 19:29
Always been a sore loser. Only seems happy when he loses to his Dutch mates. Anyone else beats him and then it's never his fault08-10-2023 12:33
Why did he feel the need to mention Mike doesn't many friends and is normally introverted. Could've just said he gets on better with Dimi but no he has to mention Mike is basically a loner and isn't as good as him or Dimi30-09-2023 19:24
Fair enough , i think sometimes he does it to disrupt them but he is naturally slow so its hard to tell. Good player just not box office entertainment04-06-2023 21:33
Possibly the most annoying player to watch. Clearly slows down everything to disrupt his opponent04-06-2023 19:43
Gibraltar are actually very underrated and good do well with the new format. Were unlucky to lose to Northern Ireland last year and could upset a seed this year17-05-2023 19:09
Really? you wont miss his completely needless rants about everything the pdc does?06-05-2023 23:26