As well as speaking to Rob Cross at the recent Target Launch, also had the opportunity to catch up with two-time World Champion Adrian Lewis and in the first part of a two part interview, we speak to Adrian about a variety of topics including joining Target, having time off and coming back after a few months away. Lewis started off by speaking about the Target Launch and the show they were putting on to start off the interview. He continued on by talking about the influence to join Target and how since signing a few years back he hasn't looked back since. "Yes I certainly enjoying it here, they’ve put on a great show. This has been fab and I’ve had a great time so far. I’m enjoying it." "I think I was on a rolling contract with Unicorn at the time and I didn’t renegotiate with them so I went talking to Garry (Plummer), and Keith (Deller) also had a big influence as he was with them as well, I came down and met the guys and haven’t looked back really since. Adrian spoke next about returning to the tour and how much he has missed since he has been away from it including seeing the likes of Gary Anderson and Phil Taylor, two of his friends on tour. Finally to end the first part, Adrian spoke about the stressful few months he has had and how frustrating it is, but admitted that he is getting back into it and is enjoying it again as a result. "I hadn’t seen Gary Anderson since May when I saw him in Cardiff and I’ve been obviously been speaking to Phil through text and things but I’ve missed a lot." "It has been a tough period, it’s been one of those years, a frustrating one so far. You know when you’ve been off for 4 ½ months and you have only played 2 tournaments. It is tough but I am getting back into the swing of things, putting the work in and I am enjoying it again. It gives you that little bit of a vibe back again."