Williams spoke to afterwards and said that it wasn’t as difficult as he thought but that he burnt out in the last few days. ‘It honestly wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I burnt out the last couple of days but it was good.’ said Williams. In 2018, BDO chairman Des Jacklin lifted the restrictions on players in the organisation playing at Q-School and for Williams that’s what swayed him. ‘I wouldn’t have even contemplated going if the restrictions were still in place. I literally went just for the experience really as I kind of wanted another year in the BDO anyway.’ The system was used for the first time at Q-School in this year’s edition and the Welshman said it was brilliant. ‘It was brilliant. It was the first time I’d seen that and people watching at home, it was so easy to follow someone. I thought it was brilliant’ In terms of his future, Williams admitted that he is staying with the BDO but could do a few Challenge Tours in the future. ‘I am definitely staying with the BDO. I will possibly do a few Challenge Tours but I’m not sure to be honest.’ On his best friend gaining a Tour Card, he spoke of how he is ready to take the next level in joining the PDC. ‘It’s great for him. He (Glen) wanted to go so he was always going to give it a crack.’ ‘I think he’s ready to take the next level and give it a go.’ Interview conducted by Samuel Gill, writer for Dartsnews.com.