The PDC average was 92.16 compared to BDO which was 87.91. The best match average was 107.08 with 98.02 on the BDO, this meant that there was no ton plus averages at all at Lakeside.
In terms of doubling statistics, it was quite evenly matched with the PDC having 37.54% compared to BDO with 34.99%. The PDC statistics though came from a longer tournament format (96 players) than the latter (40 players) with 4928 darts being thrown on the doubles.
180 wise though the PDC dwarfed the BDO with 880 compared to 280 but like alluded to the latter was under less legs which is why per leg it is 0.24 compared to 0.17.
Finally an average leg in the PDC was 15.56 compared to 16.29 in the BDO which shows that as the table describes, the differences weren't as harrowing as many expect between the two organisations.