The wife of the inaugural World Matchplay champion released a statement on Facebook with the message being that while he isn't out of the woods yet they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In addition a Dr. finally said that Butler will recover which is of course a massive relief.' 'Today was a very good day. I finally got a Dr. to say that Larry will recover. Of course no one can make any promises but I believe that God will continue to hear our prayers and Potentially heal him completely and back to full function.' 'They did not remove the vent today but I'm thinking it might be because it's the weekend. His heart is functioning well without medication, his blood pressure is good and his kidneys are functioning well.' 'I'm hoping the vent comes off tomorrow because he is clearly agitated by it. It's a day by day process now. Keep the prayers coming, we're approaching the edge of the forest and hoping for a clear path ahead.'
Photo: Lawrence Lustig/PDC