It was announced on Friday that Peter Wright was admitted to the hospital one day earlier. 'Snakebite' was already home, but had to pull out of various exhibition tournaments happening this weekend and the days leading up to the World Championship
In the statement that the wife of Wright put on Twitter, the cause of hospitalisation was still unknown. However, the PDC reports that it concerns problems with his gallstones.
The Scot has to rest on medical advice and will only pick up his darts when he is fit again. It is therefore still unknown whether Wright will be fine in time for his participation in the World Championships at the Alexandra Palace starting in only 12 days time.
The UK Open champion will play its first match on Thursday, December 21 though against Brazilian debutant Diogo Portela , leaving Wright almost two weeks to recover from his injury. Should Wright opt out of the World Championship, Terry Jenkins will take his place.