Devon Petersen launches Dartboard Maths initiative to make learning fun for the next generation

Thursday, 19 September 2024 at 16:30
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Although Devon Petersen may have dropped off the PDC Pro Tour at the end of 2024, the South African remains a much-loved figure in the sport. Looking to use his profile and popularity to give back, Petersen has now started a brilliant new initiative to help the next generation, Dartboard Maths.
"Coming off the Tour, you kind of need to focus your attention, focus and energy into something so it's not depressing and sad. Because you've come off the Tour that you've always wanted," Petersen explains in conversation with Sky Sports. "I was able to channel my creativity and create something in Dartboard Maths that obviously speaks a lot about my passion for the sport and me being almost a darts expert as well, from a coaching aspect."
A nine time World Championship participant, Petersen is a former European Tour winner among other notable results. "This is a kind of different role though, creating something that is more school and educational orientated," he continues. "The sport of darts is literally you're throwing at a calculator that is a dartboard and that's where it all came from!"
But how does it actually work? "Basically, it's an educational resource tool," Petersen answers. "It takes the sport and turns it into an educational opportunity because we know that on a dartboard, it's all about mathematics. Darts, as adaptable and accessible as it is, it's not really engaging if you don't like numbers. You could shy away from playing the sport because you think 'my maths is rubbish'. This way, we can put it in the classroom, on the desk and in front of their eyes every single day, and they can have fun with it."

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