Hopp had not been feeling well for a while and even sat out the UK Open and then visited a doctor: “It was hard to climb some stairs and I sweat lots at night. Upon further investigation, I was found to have Pfeiffer's disease. The doctor immediately prescribed me flat rest, otherwise I might suffer from it for a long time, ”said the German in conversation with RTL7 Darts .
'The Maximiser' has also not started the year well. "Correct, my results were not satisfactory. But I now know what caused it. After all, if you are not healthy you cannot perform properly. ”
He is gradually feeling better though which he hopes can benefit the rest of his season. “I still have to take a lot of vitamins, but I notice a lot of improvement. I can start looking forward again and when the Pro Tour starts again I want to play well again ”, the 23-year-old German concludes.