Josh Rock dumps out Gerwyn Price and will face Martin Schindler in Dutch Darts Championship semifinals

Josh Rock and Martin Schindler have joined Jonny Clayton and Michael van Gerwen in qualifying for the final four at the Dutch Darts Championship in Rosmalen. The semifinals and final will take place later this Sunday night.

Rock managed another handsome win, having already been too strong for Dirk van Duijvenbode (6-3) and Cameron Menzies (6-5) earlier in the tournament. This time Gerwyn Price had to bow to 'Rocky'.

Price opened the match with a break in the first leg, but the next three legs all went to his Northern Irish opponent. In the fifth leg, Rock's next tap came to Price after he managed to throw a 145 finish for a 4-1 lead. An 11-darter brought Price back to 2-4, but Rock maintained his three-leg margin by throwing a 119 check-out in the seventh leg. Price then reduced the deficit again after a 120 finish in the eighth leg, but he did not get another chance for a break. With a 14-darter in the ninth leg, Rock decided the match.

Martin Schindler will be Rock's opponent in the semifinals. 'The Wall' initially squandered a lead against Luke Woodhouse, but was still able to pull out the victory.

Indeed, Schindler had first turned a 3-1 deficit into a 5-3 lead via a 147 finish, 13-darter, 14-darter and a 137 check-out. Woodhouse forced a final leg with a 13-darter and a 101 finish, after which Schindler took the match to himself with a 12-darter in the final leg.

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