Michael van Gerwen to face Jonny Clayton in semifinals at Dutch Darts Championship

Michael van Gerwen and Jonny Clayton have secured a spot in the last four at the Dutch Darts Championship.

'Mighty Mike' gave his compatriot Danny Noppert no chance in the quarter-finals and triumphed 6-1. Van Gerwen is moving smoothly through the tournament for now. In his first two matches, he had lost only one leg. The Vlijmen native had started the tournament with a 6-0 win over Kevin Doets and a 6-1 victory over Chris Dobey.

The first leg was the worst of the match, but did go to Van Gerwen with a 19-darter. After Noppert registered 1-1 with a 112 finish, 'Mighty Mike' made it 2-1 with a 14-darter. Noppert then missed two chances to make it 2-2 before Van Gerwen made it 3-1 with a 16-darter.

A 13-darter then made it 4-1. After that, Noppert was out of the game as well. Van Gerwen threw a 126 check-out in the sixth leg for a 5-1 lead, then sealed the match with a 14-darter.

In the semifinals, Jonny Clayton will be the 35-year-old Dutchman's next opponent. In the first quarterfinal, Clayton showed he was much too strong for Ryan Searle, 6-2.

Clayton had a super start to the match by taking a 3-0 lead via a 13-darter, 85 finish and a 12-darter. Searle then cut the deficit to 3-2 before Clayton made the final score 6-2 with another three legs in a row.

Before the semifinals and finals are played, it is the turn of the quarterfinals on the other side of the bracket. In the third quarterfinal, Luke Woodhouse and Martin Schindler will battle for a spot in the final four. Last up are Josh Rock and Gerwyn Price to determine between them who will be the final semifinalist at the Dutch Darts Championship.

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