Among them include winning in 2003 which for him was major; due to Taylor’s dominance at the time. He also said that he was a shock winner to many as confetti bombs were meant to be released; but weren’t for a while due to Taylor not winning the title. “My greatest memory is defeating Phil Taylor in 2003; without question.” said Part. “I remember taking out 77 to win it - I was very excited as my celebrations conveyed!” “On the funny side, and as an exclamation mark to the meaning of the moment of ending Phil's never to be equalled eight consecutive titles streak, confetti bombs were supposed to go off after the championship winning double was hit.” “But such was the habit of Phil winning, whoever was supposed to trigger the confetti was clearly confused, stunned or unaware there could be a different result!” He added: “The highs and lows of darts are extreme and ecstatic, or devastating as the case may be.”
Photo: Chris Dean/PDC