"Darts as is an unpredictable game but he’s playing with such freedom" - Damon Heta weighs in on Luke Littler's immense rise

Damon Heta took time today for a Q&A with fans via Facebook, hilariously responding to some special questions.

'The Heat' shared a photo of himself at the gym with the caption "Quick Q&A, leave your questions below." Of course, one of the first questions afterwards was how many push-ups he planned to do from fellow PDC pro, Alan Soutar. Heta wittily replied, "Just the 12, baby steps mate."

Heta also received many questions about his career and future plans. When someone asked if he expects to be in the top eight in the world next year and go to the World Series of Darts in New York, Heta replied with a wink, "Probably still wouldn’t get picked."

The Australian further revealed that he did not initially want to turn pro, but that two big names within the sport have ensured that he now throws at the highest level. "Played since I was 15 but nothing too serious as I cared more about other things than darts & I never once thought about playing pro," he responded. "Gary (Anderson ed.) & Smithy (Michael Smith ed.) talked me into giving it a try in 2018 at the World Series so I did the Australia circuit in 2019 as I never done it before & then got a tour card in 2020."

Heta also shed light on Luke Littler's situation and the comparison to Phil Taylor. "Who knows darts as is an unpredictable game but he’s playing with such freedom & that makes him even more dangerous," he answers. Furthermore, "The Heat" gave some tips regarding training and how to stay as consistent as possible. He said, "Prior to being on tour I didn’t practice but since getting a card I’ve put in a lot of hours on the board & treat it like a job."

Tomorrow afternoon Damon Heta will make his appearance at the Dutch Darts Open. There he will face the in-form Ritchie Edhouse, who earlier today defeated Czech debutant Jiri Brejcha 6-3.

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PDC Damon Heta

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