"I have proved that I can win on the big stage now” - Josh Rock already eyeing major glory after Dutch Darts Championship success

Josh Rock has taken arguably the biggest win of his career last Sunday night at the Dutch Darts Championship. 'Rocky' defeated Jonny Clayton 8-4 in the final in Rosmalen.

En route to the final Rock, had already managed to deal with Cameron Menzies, Gerwyn Price and Martin Schindler in succession. With this success, the Northern Irishman also takes his first ever tournament victory on the European Tour. "This is the biggest win of my career, 100%," reflected an emotional Rock afterwards as he struggled to hold back the tears. "I haven’t had very good luck against Jonny in finals. He beat me on the ProTour and in Graz [in 2023], but I felt really confident coming into this final.''

"I have proved that I can win on the big stage now” - Josh Rock already eyeing major glory after Dutch Darts Championship success
Rock proudly poses for Dutch audience at Autotron Rosmalen

"I said this weekend I was here to win the tournament," continued the 23-year-old Northern Irishman proudly. "Jonny is one of the nicest men in darts. I love him to bits, but my name is on the trophy, and I’m so happy."

Big things have long been expected of Rock after he burst onto the darting scene in phenomenal style a few years back. Although he's had a more measured rise since, this tournament victory comes as a real relief for Rock and at the perfect time too with his World Cup of Darts debut on the horizon. “I have lost in so many finals, but I keep believing that I will win, and obviously today I proved that I can," he concludes. “I have always said my next one was going to be a major title and that’s my main focus, but I have proved that I can win on the big stage now.”

As an added bonus that comes with the prestige of taking a European Tour title, Rock also bags himself the princely sum of £30,000 for his efforts.

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