⭐️ Joe Cullen's 103.57 against Schindler was his 25th ton-plus average on a European Tour stage - 12th on the all-time list ⭐️
Joe Cullen managed to reach the second round at the Belgian Darts Open in Wieze on Friday night after a remarkably strong match. 'The Rockstar' defeated Martin Schindler 6-1.
The Englishman recorded a strong average of 103.57 in this match. According to statistics platform Darts Orakel, it was the 25th time Cullen threw a 100+ average on the Euro Tour.
Only eleven players preceded Cullen, writes Darts Orakel on X (Twitter). At the end of Saturday afternoon, Cullen will be back in action at the Belgian Darts Open. Then he will play Dirk van Duijvenbode in the second round.
⭐️ Joe Cullen's 103.57 against Schindler was his 25th ton-plus average on a European Tour stage - 12th on the all-time list ⭐️