Cameron Menzies saw his
Q-School this year marred by elimination on the opening day of the opening stage due to a toilet break.
From there, Menzies lost out on legs to potentially make it through and it was the case of what could have been for the Scot.
He first discussed Q-School as a whole and said that it was a lot different due to not a lot of match practice beforehand.
"I would say it's different because I've not played. The last I played was Challenge Tour and that was the last competitive game. I've not played online, I've not been practicing as much," said Menzies to Tungsten Tales.
"I've never been a practiser, I've always played local leagues. Now I just throw with my pals on Saturday online."
Following that, he discussed the aforementioned story of the toilet break to give his side of the story.
"I just played and I'd won and the game was going straight after me and I knew I was playing the winner of that game. I knew I had 10-15 minutes. I run up the stairs to the disabled toilet and they phoned me to say they were waiting for me. I was like I'm in the toilet. They said I was scrapped, I was out. So I wasn't best pleased, it's a grey area."
Going forward after only just missing out, Menzies sees it as the potential push he needs to get down to regular practice.
"It was legs, it's happened before I lost a Tour Card due to legs so it's deja vu. Don't get me wrong, If I'd have got a Tour Card this year I don't think I would have had a good year because I'm not playing at the level I have been before. Maybe there is a kick up the backside I need to get back to practicing, playing and grafting."