"You find me a week to go on holiday in my calendar": Nathan Aspinall hits back at holiday criticism after Vegas break

Nathan Aspinall went on a four-day break to Las Vegas last month with Michael Smith and had to withdraw from a European Tour as a result. But also it unearthed some criticism which he has hit back on.

But with this criticism surrounding him taking time away from the sport and also Michael Smith who accompanied him seeing his form nosedive after going away last year during his World Championship winning year, he said he'd do it again. He said that he can do what he likes given that he is basically a self-employed contractor and is not on any sort of commitment to play in anything as he earns his own money so it is up to him. He also said that he would do it again next year if he plays in the Premier League.

"I stand by the decision. I have had an absolute nightmare over the last two weeks with people criticising us for going," said Aspinall.

“Listen, you find me a week to go on holiday in my calendar. If so, I will bite your hand off and take that week to go on holiday. We chose to pull out of a EuroTour to go on holiday to have some down-time. The only time we can go away is by pulling out of events. At the end of the day, I am not on a salary from the PDC - I can do what I want in my own time.

"I stand by the decision. Me and Mike had a fantastic four days away. And I will probably do it again next year if I am in the Premier League. It has not affected anything.

“Michael’s missus started to chew my ear off on the plane about darts. Michael was like, ‘Listen, stop talking to him about darts, we are away for a few days.’ Everyone knows me and Michael are good pals and it is ironic that it’s down to me or him in the final game.”

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PDC Nathan Aspinall Michael Smith

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