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This website has recently undergone a major transformation. The homepage in particular has received a complete make over, with the result that the most important darts news has been given a prominent place.

But the possibility of interaction between fans has also improved. Visitors can give an applause to the article if they like a news article. This option can be found at the bottom of the article and can be used by clicking on the two hands.

Chat with other fans about the latest news on

In addition, you can also communicate with other fans at the bottom of articles. You can do this, for example, by commenting under a match report on how you look back on that specific match. You need to create an account first to do this. To make an account go to the top right corner of the page in the menu bar.

Chat with other fans about the latest news on

After you have created an account, you can leave a comment at the bottom of the articles. You can always give your opinion, but keep it clean and show respect for other responders. In case of abuse, Dartsnews can decide to remove a response and, if necessary, ban the user.

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