''I’m going to do my damndest to prove them all wrong'' - Gary Anderson determined to silence the doubters

Gary Anderson and Peter Wright will form the Scotland team at the 2024 World Cup of Darts in Frankfurt at the end of June. It is the seventh time the two Scots will play together.

The former world champions have regularly excelled at the iconic Nations tournament. Four times, Anderson and Wright were in the final together. They lost the final in 2015, 2018 and 2023, but in 2019 Scotland claimed the title. Incidentally, Wright also won the tournament in 2021, but then John Henderson was Scotland's second player.

From 2020 to 2022, Anderson invariably opted out of the World Cup of Darts. He returned to this tournament with a place in the final in 2023, when the revamped pairing format was used for the first time.

“I don’t think there’s anyone to take over from us yet'', said Anderson on the website from his darts supplier Unicorn Darts. “If we’re still playing darts we’ll be in it for the next ten years. Peter says he’ll retire but he won’t, it’s in his blood'', the two-time world champion continued.

It will be a tough task for Scotland to match or improve on their performance from last year. As number four on the seeding list, Scotland will be in England's half of the draw. They will play with world champion Luke Humphries and former world champion Michael Smith.

''We play well together'', Anderson promises. ''It’s a hard game the pairs. Wales have a cracking team and you’re going to have to look at England. Holland will be Michael van Gerwen and Danny Noppert. That’s another good team.''

Anderson has had quite a few more successes since competing for Scotland at the World Cup of Darts last year. Since then, he has won three Players Championship tournaments and also claimed a title on the European Tour. On television, results still lag behind, but 'The Flying Scotsman' is determined to silence the doubters.

''The old boy can still play. When they all wind me up I’m going to do my damndest to prove them all wrong. It’s going alright. I’m enjoying it. I’m not putting myself under any pressure. I’m playing with no expectations and the darts are going well.”

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