Injured Nathan Aspinall begins World Matchplay title defence with scrappy win over debutant Luke Woodhouse

Nathan Aspinall is likely out until at least September after the World Matchplay but he won't go out without a fight amid his injury travails. He began his title defence with a scrappy 10-8 win which is the trademark of 'The Asp'.

While not the exploits of Humphries and Clayton earlier in the night, Aspinall proved why he shouldn't be counted out. While Woodhouse will be thinking what if on his debut as he missed golden chances at times to dump out the ailing Stockport ace.

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Woodhouse missed 120 for an early break. Aspinall missed three though to hold but he returned for the lead with a nervy Woodhouse missing another three to break. A 174 left 91 for Woodhouse and he pinned it in a clean kill to make it 1-1.

Woodhouse crept it into double four for 2-1 to break. He left double 20 from 133 leaving Aspinall needing 128 to seal a break and 2-2 which he did. A double 20 13-darter saw Woodhouse lead 3-2 at the break. He missed three darts to hold on return but Aspinall couldn’t hit 90.

Woodhouse couldn’t creep the double two into the corner and Aspinall levelled at 3-3 as the Bewdley thrower was left frustrated to be even level no mind with the Asp throwing to lead. An 81 checkout saw Aspinall break to go 5-3 up.

A 68 checkout saw Aspinall go four in the spin at 6-3. Double 18 saw Woodhouse make it 6-4 at the break. Woodhouse made it a level game on double 10 at 6-6.

Aspinall edged forward at 7-6 stopping the run of Woodhouse. Aspinall chased on an 83 checkout but hit double 12 to go two away. An 80 checkout saw Woodhouse break to make it 8-7. A 42 checkout saw Woodhouse make it 8-8.

Woodhouse got a shot at 138 on double 12 but he took too long in between throws and let the nerves get to him and Aspinall went 9-8 up. A 180 left 124 for Aspinall for the match with Woodhouse’s head dropping and the latter hit double 16 for the win.

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