One of the most colourful and instantly recognisable darters in the history of the sport, Peter Wright has lived and breathed the 'Snakebite' persona on stage for so many years now, it seems weird to imagine the Scot without his trademark mohawk. When the idea was first proposed though, not all were convinced.
“It’s like a Dr. Jekyll and Hyde, like Snakebite’s my outer person, I’d like to be a confident, crazy guy," Wright told PDC referee Huw Ware’s Tops and Tales podcast. “But people know me off the dartboard, pretty shy, don’t really talk to anyone really, just keep myself to myself and really shy. But that person up there, that’s like putting all war paint on and going to battle.”
As mentioned though, not all within the PDC were totally convinced by the idea of a colourful, mohawked darter dancing on stage. “I asked Matt Porter (PDC chief executive) if we can wear crazy trousers and stuff like that. He said no," reveals the two-time world champion. Thankfully though, Porter's decision wasn't final on this occasion. "Barry Hearn said yes. And that created obviously Snakebite."
"I think the first time, because of my daughter, coloured the hair and everything like that. And I just wanted to be different from all the other guys, stand out a bit," Wright continues, noting how he's become so synonymous with the look, he's unable to change back to a 'normal' darts outfit. “We’ve created a monster. I’ve got to keep doing it until my hair falls out.”
“When I first started it in the beginning, people were just like, stop all this clowning around, calling me ‘clown’ and stuff like that," Wright recalls. “And just get on a practice board all the time. You waste having your hair done and all this. You could be practising. Eric Bristow in the past, he said, stop all this silly hair stuff. I’m shocked by that. I’m shocked that Eric would say that. Play your darts.”
Ultimately though, even the legendary Bristow was won over by Snakebite. “Then a couple of years later, I saw him again, because I kept losing in finals. And I needed someone. I did ask Rod Harrington and Alan Warriner if they could take me to the next step, like take me on. That sort of help as like champions," he adds. “I see Eric again. And he said, just carry on what you’re doing. You’re doing a brilliant job. And you don’t need my help, you’ll win titles. He said, you know, he changed his mind from, you know, stop clowning around with the hair and everything. He said, you’re brilliant, you’re brilliant for the darts and just carry on. It will come.”
— TopsAndTales (@TopsAndTales180) February 24, 2025
Peter “Snakebite” Wright sits down with Huw Ware on how he returned to the sport in 2008, why he changes his darts and his throw, his relationship with his wife Jo and so much more in between, it’s all in this unmissable episode!