"You can have inclusivity in women's sport or you can have fairness in women's sports! You cannot have both" - Deta Hedman continues tirade against trans in women's darts

Thursday, 25 July 2024 at 21:28
deta hedman 1

Deta Hedman has long been a vocal and outspoken advocate of women's darts. In recent times, she's used her standing to be one of the loudest voices in the anti-trans movement, even refusing to play against Noa-Lynn van Leuven in Denmark.

After seeing Van Leuven compete at the Women's World Matchplay in Blackpool on Sunday afternoon, where the Dutchwoman lost out in the quarter-finals to Mikuru Suzuki, Hedman took to her social media to again make known her opinions on the matter of trans players competing in women's darts.

"I have no issues with Trans but they should play in an open section in my opinion," Hedman writes, accompanied by a selection of photos that she believes backs up her claim. "I questioned why it is that the rule makers in IOC, WDF and DRA are predominantly men, they totally disregard the many and varied problems unique to women, menstrual, peri menopause, fibroids, Endometriosis, with symptoms varying from stomach cramps, brain fog, bleeding, headaches/migraine, hot intense flushes etc."

"All these problems are ignored, and considered that they don't affect your performance in a precision sport like darts. Add to that the ridiculous testosterone levels set for a trans to play in Women's darts! If they achieve a level of 9.9mnol/L they can play, the normal range of women is between 0.5-2.4mnol/L, I myself have tested at 1.2," she continues. "To make this even more ridiculous 5 African women born with vaginas but had varied organs including inner testicles were banned from sport as their testosterone levels were too high , they were told they had to reduce their levels not to 10mnol/L ( the level a trans can compete in sport) but to 5mnol/L , so athletes born as a woman to compete had to be half the level of a biological male who would compete in women's sports."

"All I want is to compete in darts on a fair and level playing field. As been stated by many studies around the world you can have inclusivity in women's sport or you can have fairness in Women's sports! You cannon have both," Hedman insists. "Why don't the WDF and DRA as a compromise drop the testosterone limit to the above high end of Women and set it as 3mnol/L, they would still have the skeletal advantages of going through puberty as a male but at least their levels would be at a similar level to some of the women."

At the recent Women's World Matchplay, Beau Greaves proved strongest for the second year running. Afterwards, the Englishwoman pleaded the PDC for a Women's World Championship, insisting that "I don’t think any lady will ever go to Ally Pally and win that. You are literally being silly if you think that’s possible. I know how I can play but it doesn’t necessarily happen on the day. Men are just more consistent. You have to be realistic and ask if it’s going to go anywhere."

Hedman too, thinks women's darts should be kept seperate. "Constantly we are being told no reason why men and ladies can't play at the same level," she says. "Chizzy (Dave Chisnall) had lowest average of the 32 men with an 85.76 average, 5 men had 100+ tournament average, 23 had a 90+, and 4 had average of 85-89. The range of the 8 ladies in the event was 63.25 to 88.53 , the men's was 85.76-102.04."

"Dr Linda Duffy has shown studies that back up the science that men have over women in darts," Hedman concludes. "Including shoulder and elbow formations that are different in men who have been through puberty."

Noa-Lynn van Leuven in action at the Women's World Matchplay 
Noa-Lynn van Leuven in action at the Women's World Matchplay 
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Stevechels 26 July 2024 at 15:50+ 11

Totally correct

Just in

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