Beau Greaves also took the overall victory at the Denmark Masters after winning the Denmark Open. The men's tournament of the Denmark Masters became a pro for Andreas Harrysson.
The Swedish darter successively beat Mark Barilli (4-0), Vegar Elvevoll (4-0), Carl Wilkinson (4-3), Aaron Ayres (4-1), Aaron Turner (4-3), Michael Mogensen (4-3), Daniel Skoda (5-4) and Gary Stone (6-3) to secure the title.
Greaves easily reached the ladies' final by defeating Wibke Riemann (4-1)< Kirsi Viinikainen (4-1), Lerena Rietbergen (4-1), Lorraine Hyde (4-2) and Deta Hedman (4-0). In the final, Rhian O'Sullivan offered stiff resistance, but the win did eventually go to Greaves 5-4.
Andreas Harrysson 5-4 Daniel Skoda
Gary Stone 5-4 Liam Maendl-Lawrance
Andreas Harrysson 6-3 Gary Stone
Beau Greaves 4-0 Deta Hedman
Rhian O'Sullivan 4-0 Adriana van Wijgerden-Vermaat
Beau Greaves 5-4 Rhian O'Sullivan