"Don't want to be in the first round again" - Mike de Decker sets top 32 goal with Ally Pally in mind after maiden ProTour crown

Mike de Decker was the last first time winner on the PDC ProTour winning the title last time out against Ricky Evans in the final. It has been a long time coming for 'The Real Deal' but one that he looks back with fondness.

As well as by his own admission saying that it wasn't the hardest run and he was relieved when it was Evans over Luke Humphries that he faced despite of course the added pressure that does come with being defacto favourite.

"It was a whirlwind of emotions. Happy to finally get over the line and win a title. It has been coming with the level my game is at. It was just a matter of time really but I'm really happy it came. Now hopefully more titles will come," said De Decker to Weekly Dartscast.

"If you see those names, it's not the hardest draw. It could've been a lot harder to be honest, if you see the final and they tell you it's Ricky Evans, you think this is an opportunity. I'd rather play Ricky than Luke Humphries.

Last year saw World Matchplay and World Grand Prix debuts and both were losses to Joe Cullen as he joked that he told 'The Rockstar' that he wants to draw someone else now for the World Championship.

"When he beat me at the World Grand Prix, backstage I told him now you can have someone else for the World's please draw someone else. I don't mind losing to Joe, he was in form then. He's just someone who gets on with the game, no antics, no mind games. Just someone who plays darts. He is fun to play against as he has a good rhythm as well."

"Don't want to be in the first round again" - Mike de Decker sets top 32 goal with Ally Pally in mind after maiden ProTour crown
De Decker is a first time title winner in 2024.

Albeit that was Madars Razma that he was defeated by. But it wasn't a loss that he thought about for too long.

"I was feeling really well, really confident. I practiced with Dimitri a lot and my game was at a good point. So I felt I was a bit unlucky losing to Madars Razma. It's a bit tough pill to lose games like that. After the World's I had two or three weeks off and then the season starts again so you don't really have much time to dwell on losing or on bad performances."

But he has been helped in his rise by the European Tour. Qualifying for 6/10 through the Tour Card route, he has become an expert on qualification and continuing to hone his stage craft.

"It's going to help me massively. I've always had an issue playing on stage and in front of crowds but the last year, it's got a lot better. The European Tours feel like the majors so it definitely helps."

Despite that though he didn't make it to the World Matchplay, but it didn't annoy him too much due being too far away.

"It didn't really frustrate me as I wasn't really that close. I think six or seven grand off. It would be frustrating if I'm 17th. I said to myself let's try to get into the World Grand Prix. At the moment I am in so hopefully I can keep it going."

But the main goal now is certainly the top 32 with Ally Pally firmly in mind. "That is the main goal. I'm going to try to get into the top 32. I don't want to be in the first round again. That is definitely the main goal."

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PDC Mike de Decker

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