"For the last four months, I've been feeling pretty low": Bipolar and a health scare affecting James Wade's form in honest admission

James Wade has not been in great form for a long time and opened up on why it is in a recent interview with AP with bipolar and a recent health scare causing havoc.

Wade has managed his symptoms of bipolar since being diagnosed in 2009 but is an ongoing battle for 'The Machine' who has more peaks and troughs than most. He said that he's had a tough four months, but that he is just trying to make the best of it.

Also, he had a health scare earlier in the year to add to his previous one which saw him hospitalised after a European Tour. Wade said that he kept it to himself and didn't tell anyone.

But finally decided to get an appointment with the help of his wife. He last played in the Dutch Darts Championship and reached the Last 16 losing to Ryan Searle. But said that due to these issues, he's lost his killer instinct and his desire. He has only won 11 games in 2024 in true evidence of his form slip.

"I'll be honest with you, in the last four months I have been up and down with my moods and very chaotic at times," Wade, told PA. "I think I am still there on the chaotic side but my moods seem to have levelled off a bit.

"I've had a tough kind of four months, but that's part of it. And I'm lucky enough now to know how to make the best of it when I'm like that. So, I haven't done anything silly, not upset anyone too much. And I've done all right. I'm quite proud of myself actually. Because for the last four months, I've been feeling pretty low I would say."

"I haven't had that killer bit in me, that desire for the last four months," Wade he continued about his own personal performances.

"It was a health reason, I thought I had something and I didn't get checked and recently I did get checked and I'm all right, so that's all good. But I kept it to myself, being silly like men are and I didn’t think to get checked for probably two months.

"Then I told my wife about it and then obviously, she held my hand and booked me an appointment with the specialist. So I've been catastrophising for the last four months over that until about two weeks ago and that has affected my other bits and bobs around me, definitely."

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