Hopp knows more about conflict between Van den Bergh and Huybrechts: "It has been brewing for a long time"

At the moment the World Cup of Darts takes place in Frankfurt. This tournament is broadcasted by DAZN and during the final matches Max Hopp is co-commentator there after he had co-hosted the group phase for the Dutch channel Viaplay.

There he also came into contact with Vincent van der Voort, among others, who had commented on the conflict between Kim Huybrechts and Dimitri Van den Bergh in the run-up. This was the reason for Elmar Paulke to ask the German if he had more information about it.

"I have," Hopp replied. "As a player, you don't reveal too much private information about other players. There was a real row, it's a really long story. Van der Voort and van Barneveld also said that if they did, then they (Huybrechts and Van den Bergh, editor's note) had to make it public. That's when things really hit the fan between them on a private level."

At a later point, the Maximiser came back to the topic: "It's such a story with those two. Kim took Dimitri under his wing and made him a bit taller. In the last two or three years, there has been a bit of trouble, simply because Dimitri has become the number one in Belgium. Kim once said he wasn't grateful enough for the knowledge he had acquired through him."

"It had been brewing for a long time and now it has really cracked," Hopp added in conclusion.

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