"If I reach my best level, I can make it difficult for the best" - Moreno Blom looking to build on impressive Euro Tour debut against Chris Dobey

Moreno Blom was impressive on his European Tour debut on Friday as he convincingly qualified for the second round of the Dutch Darts Championship. The 22-year-old Dutchman defeated Ryan Joyce 6-3 in the opening round.

Blom achieved an average of over 100 with his performance, much to the delight of the Rosmalen crowd in attendance. "I did not expect this on my debut," he opens to Darts Actueel. "I know I can handle this level, but then to show it on such a big stage is something else. I didn't really suffer from any stress and was just playing freely."

Despite this being his Euro Tour debut, Blom does have experience on the big stage having played at the WDF World Championship at the end of last year, where he lost in the second round to Neil Duff. "Hard to say how it compares, after all Lakeside has so much history, almost all the top players started there at some point. But of course it's also great to play in front of a hall with 2000 noisy Dutch people," Blom analyses of the differences between his two two experiences. "So it's hard for me to choose between both tournaments."

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Moreno Blom in action at Lakeside

"I was already feeling good about myself and came here with the necessary confidence, but this win definitely provides an extra boost of confidence," Blom continued. "Nothing must happen this weekend, but if it does, it does."

Blom previously played several tournaments in the WDF and also appeared in action several times at the Modus Super Series. "I did gain some stage experience there," he said. "That definitely helped me today. Although of course it was a new experience to play in front of so many spectators."

In the second round today, Blom will take on 12th-seeded Englishman Chris Dobey. "I never rate myself as hopeless. I know what I can do and if I reach my best level, I can make it difficult for the best players in the world. But one thing is for sure, I'm going to enjoy myself immensely on stage anyway."

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