These 50 Dutchmen and 14 Belgians take a shot at qualifying for the World Darts Championship on Saturday

Friday, 15 November 2024 at 15:30
berry van peer 3 6584782371a36

It will be an exciting day on Saturday in Kalkar, where the PDC West Europe Qualifier for the World Darts Championship will be played. A field of nearly one hundred players will compete for one starting spot to at the Alexandra Palace.

Among the participants are fifty Dutchmen. Notable names include, Berry van Peer, Jurjen van der Velde, Jimmy van Schie, Danny van Trijp, Gino Vos, Jeffrey Sparidaans, Jeffrey de Zwaan, Maik Kuivenhoven, Ron Meulenkamp, Martijn Kleermaker, Jelle Klaasen, Danny Jansen, Jerry Hendriks, Jarno Bottenberg, Moreno Blom, Owen Roelofs and Jitse van der Wal.

There are also 14 Belgian players on the list of participants, which can already be found on DartConnect. Andy Baetens, Robbie Knops, Ronny Huybrechts, Brian Ramen and Mario Vandenbogaerde are among the Belgian participants. There are also some Germans and Swiss of the party.

The annual qualifying tournament almost always produces a Dutch or Belgian winner. Last year was a rare exception, when Thibault Tricole ran away with the World Championships ticket. In 2012, the qualifying tournament had a Spanish winner when Carlos Rodriguez won the qualifier.

PDC players who have had a PDC Tour Card for more than two years are not eligible to play in the qualifying tournament. That is why the likes of Vincent van der Voort and Jose de Sousa are missing from the list of participants. They do have one last chance at the Tour Card Qualifying Tournament on Monday, November 25. In this qualification tournament the last three or four starting spots for the Worlds can be decided. How many tickets remain to be distributed depends on Jurjen van der Velde, who plays the final of the PDC Youth World Championship on November 24. If he loses that final, four starting spots are at stake at the Tour Card-qualifying tournament.

Former winners

2010: Roland Scholten

2011: (not held)

2012: Carlos Rodriguez

2013: Gino Vos

2014: Jermaine Wattimena

2015: Sven Groen

2016: Jerry Hendriks

2017: Kenny Neyens

2018: Yordi Meeuwisse

2019: Jan Dekker

2020: (not held)

2021: Chris Landman

2022: Jimmy Hendriks

2023: Thibault Tricole

Participants PDC West Europe World Championship Qualifier

Hans Achten

Angelo Balsamo

Daan Beernink

Marcel Beernink

Moreno Blom

Robin Bos

Danny Bosch

Jarno Bottenberg

Johann Brouwer

Bert de Lange

Jeffrey de Zwaan

Stefan Dees

Martijn Dragt

Levy Frauenfelder

Patrick Geeraets

Fons Hardeman

Jerry Hendriks

Jimmy Hendriks

Danny Jansen

Vincent Kamphuis

Jelle Klaasen

Martijn Kleermaker

Arjan Konterman

Maik Kuivenhoven

Geert Nentjes

Calvin Nicolai

Dennie Olde Kalter

Sonny Pronk

Owen Roelofs

Marcel Ruiters

Ziggy Schenk

Frank Schoens

Stefan Schroder

Robin Smees

Jeffrey Sparidaans

Derk Telnekes

Ricardo Ulrich

Jordy van den Broek

Jitse van der Wal

Maikel Verberk

Silko Visser

Gino Vos

Richard Wagenaar

Berry van Peer

Jimmy van Schie

Danny van Trijp

Marvin van Velzen

Roy van de Griendt

Jurjen van der Velde

Andy Baetens

Patrick Bulen

Jef de Rooster

Pascal Devroey

Ronny Huybrechts

Robbie Knops

Remo Mandiau

Steven Paesschesoone

Brian Raman

Davy Robijns

Jody Tobback

Mario Vandenbogaerde

Davyd Venken

Timothy Verbrugghe

Jarod Becker

Paul Bereths

Klaus Bohnes

Can Celik

Maximilian Czerwinski

Daniel Domnick

Jan Dueckers

Hendrik Eggers

Joerg Faehrmann

Cedrik Gartz

Viktor Gorbenko

Joshua Hermann

Fabian Herz

Moritz Hilger

Ulrich Jansen

Marcus Kirchmann

Michael Kops

Carsten Kupka

Patrick Link

Jorg Meinert

Alexander Michalczyk

Jan Schlemmer

Daniel Timmermann

Egor Tvorogov

Henrik Weyel

Aaron Winter

Jan Zagel

Abdeaziz Hammouchi

Stefan Bellmont

Conor Styger

Marcel Walpen

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