After losing the first few legs, Chisnall looked barely troubled at times as he claimed victory in the self styled St Helens derby between the duo.
He lost the first two legs with Bunting showing brilliance with a 106 checkout but Chisnall had a brilliant leg with a 171 and tops to force a deciding leg.
Bunting led again in set two but despite good scoring, Chisnall had the edge and he strengthened his grip on the tie 3-1 to go one set away from victory.
He continued his commanding stretch in the match easily going one away including a second maximum and from there he secured the victory to set up a tie with Nathan Aspinall. Can he go all the way this year?
Click here for more information about this tournament, the only one to feature double start on the PDC Tour.
Danny Noppert (80.75) 2-3 (87.26) Nathan Aspinall (3-2, 0-3, 3-1, 1-3, 1-3)
Dave Chisnall (86.35) 3-0 (70.82) Stephen Bunting (3-2, 3-1, 3-0)
21:00 Rob Cross v Glen Durrant
22:00 Peter Wright v Jermaine Wattimena