"Darts is a better game with Gerwyn Price in it" - Glen Durrant dismisses 'Iceman's talk of retirement

Are Gerwyn Price's days among the darting elite numbered? If his recent admission that darts is no longer a priority and retirement could come "sooner rather than later" are true, the Welshman would be big miss to the sport according to former Premier League Darts champion Glen Durrant.

"He's a very interesting character is Gerwyn Price and someone I admire very much," Durrant says of 'The Iceman' in conversation with the MODUS Super Series' official YouTube channel. "When you go into a players' room, you expect to see Gerwyn Price beating his chest, but he's actually very softly spoken, does his own thing, is very driven and can be controversial in some of the things he says."

Because of the controversy that has seemingly followed Price throughout his career and the subsequent pantomime villain he's turned into for the crowd, 'Duzza' isn't surprised by Price's recent comments. "It's a dream for most players to be a professional and I admire the likes of Steve Beaton, James Wade and Michael van Gerwen because it is a relentless circuit to do. And you've got to look at the motivation factor as well. Gerwyn Price has looked after his money, he's bought businesses well, he'd bought properties well and when you have a few million in the bank, that fire in the belly sort of goes a little bit and it's difficult then to practice," says Durrant.

"I can resonate with him a little bit because the travelling can be exhausting and you do miss your family very much, but he also contradicts himself by saying retirement and then talks about in seven years time," continues the multiple time Lakeside champion. "I think it could just be one of those interviews where it's been a bit sensationalised a little bit. I'd be surprised if he goes out the top 64 for the next decade if he wants to. But I understand that work - life balance is very difficult to juggle in darts."

"Darts is a better game with Gerwyn Price in it" - Glen Durrant dismisses 'Iceman's talk of retirement
Price hasn't won a ranking major since 2021 Grand Slam of Darts

Price also eluded to the fact that he may skip the 2025 Premier League Darts if he's invited. "Gerwyn Price is a family man and in that statement, in that interview, he says from now on, it's going to be family first," explains Durrant. "I'm not so sure how the PDC will look at that because he is a global ambassador for the sport. Everybody knows Gerwyn Price and the PDC give him invitations to the World Series etc."

Given his role with the PDPA, Durrant also has one eye on the welfare of the darters. "I made a statement a few months ago that maybe Luke Littler could be a five year programme. When motivation is gone and you've got a few million in the bank, things change. And these days, you can't just rely on your talent, you have to put the graft in because the people who are coming through now are just getting better and better."

"Gerwyn Price can rock up and win any tournament, he's just that good. But, you've got to have that will to go and do it as well," Durrant adds. "I just sense that if you interviewed him again today, it might be a different story. Darts is a better game with Gerwyn Price in it."

Read more about:
PDC Glen Durrant Gerwyn Price

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