Statistics prove: Price is currently the player with the highest average

Thursday, 09 March 2023 at 15:08
gerwyn price 4

Ochepedia, a platform that deals with all kinds of statistics and data about PDC matches, has shown that Gerwyn Price currently has the highest average.

Ochepedia made that statistic based on the last 200 legs played by PDC players in ranking tournaments. Price leads that list with an average of 98.24.

In second place we find Jim Williams. The current world number 57 achieved an average of 97.76 over the last 200 legs. The top three is completed by Ryan Searle with an average of 97.39.


Remarkably, in addition to Gerwyn Price, we find only one other player from the top four of the world rankings in the top ten. Specifically Michael van Gerwen, who is in ninth place with an average of 96.41.

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