Price would love to win Premier League a first time but would "probably put it third" behind World Championship and World Cup wins

For the first time in his career, Gerwyn Price has made it into the play-offs of the Premier League Darts. Topping the table as well, Price qualified in some style and understandably is full of confidence.

"I'm looking forward to it. I thought I'd feel a bit edgy but I'm not, I just can't wait to get on that stage. Hopefully, my form is still there so yeah, I'm excited and really looking forward to getting on the stage," 'the Iceman' revealed in an interview shown on the official PDC Twitter account. "I think I deserved to top the table but it doesn't matter, I'd rather win the Premier League than top it."

Achieving four night wins and reaching a total of nine finals, Price has been there or thereabouts throughout the campaign. Traditionally a player who has struggled in the Premier League, the Welshman now wants to add another title to his growing collection.

"I feel like my game is at a good place. I'm full of confidence. Confident whenever I go on the stage, whenever I'm practising, I'm feeling like my darts are going really well and I'm feeling like I can't miss when I get into my rhythm," he continues. "The crowd have been brilliant for me this year. Really got behind me and shown me some good support. Whenever you're playing well and feeling good, things tend to fall in place and this year that has been."

One of the most successful players in recent years, whilst a Premier League Darts win would be big, Price doesn't think it would be one of his biggest. "I'd probably put it third if I'm honest. Winning the World Championship is obviously the top goal, main achievement. To win the World Cup as well that's probably just behind."

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