Taiwan debuts at World Cup of Darts; Malaysia back at tournament after a decade

Following Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia also qualified for the World Cup of Darts on Sunday. Taiwan makes its debut at the country tournament, while Malaysia returns after a decade.

Forty different countries are competing in the World Cup of Darts, eight of which are from Asia. Five spots were automatically given away. These went to China, Japan, Hong Kong, Bahrain and the Philippines.

The three remaining Asian spots were at stake Sunday at the Asian qualifying tournament. Earlier in the day, Paul Lim and Harith Lim of Singapore already secured participation in the major event.

Singapore had won against Thailand 5-3 in one of the two finals. The other final turned out to be a triumph for Taiwan, with Pupo Teng Lieh and An Sheng Lu in the ranks. They defeated Malaysia's Mohd Nasir Bin Jantan and Siik Hwang Wong 5-4.

The two losers of the final had one last chance to qualify for the World Cup of Darts in the consolation final. Mohd Nasir Bin Jantan and Siik Hwang Wong beat Sarayut Ouamumpa and Wiwat Pannom 5-0. Malaysia previously participated in the country tournament in 2012 and 2014, but were unable to make a breakthrough then and were eliminated in the first round each time.

The 2024 World Cup of Darts is scheduled for June 27-30 in Frankfurt. Welsh duo Gerwyn Price and Jonny Clayton are the defending champions at the World Cup of Darts.

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PDC World Cup of Darts

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