In the interview conducted by Burton deWitt and Alex Moss of the Weekly Dartscast, Hearn himself called it a disaster; also admitted it should and could have been handled better by Butlins.
‘It was a brutal week for just about everybody’ said Hearn in the interview with the Weekly Dartscast.
When asked about rearranging Hearn said the following: ’There was no way we could cancel and rearrange'.
'My primary concern is always towards the players. There was £400,000 in prize money and the show must go on'.
’There were lots of negatives’ ‘It was handled extremely badly by Butlins. We (the PDC) asked them to make a statement and they believed it would be ok’.
Also he spoke about how Butlins handled it on the day of the event: ‘Panic set in with a mixture of burst water pipes and they made the decision to abandon'.
’It had a dramatic effect on my revenue because clearly I wasn’t going to get paid. 7-800 people got there and for some ridiculous reason they weren’t allowed to go into the arena. It should and could have been handled differently.'
’It was a disaster of an event and Butlins could have handled it better.'