"Me and Gezzy, it's definitely a rivalry" - Luke Littler makes exhibition debut against old foe in Wales

Luke Littler has had the sharpest rise to stardom of any dart player in history since bursting onto the scene at the Alexandra Palace last December. As such, he has already become one of the most in demand darters for the exhibition circuit.

Until recently however, the 17-year-old hadn't actually done any exhibitions. Ahead of his debut event in Wales though, Littler spoke to Polly James about his excitement to experience the night and interact with his fans like never before.

"I'm just looking forward to it! The people have paid their money to see us," previews the 2024 World Darts Championship finalist and 2024 Premier League Darts winner via Instagram. "Not many people get a chance so I'm just going to have some fun tonight, do some crazy checkouts on the board and just see how they like it."

Joining Littler at the Welsh exhibition, was the nation's number one darter, Gerwyn Price. A man Littler is beginning to form a rivalry with on the big stage. "Me and Gezzy, it's definitely a rivalry," Littler laughs, after being reminded of his recent battering at the Welshman's hands in the final of the Australian Darts Masters. "I've been good, made a lot of rivalries this year since I burst onto the scene and I like having that with someone."

Finally, no trip to Wales is complete without trying the local delicacies and on his exhibition debut, Littler was gifted just such a treat. "Have you ever tried a Welsh Cake before?" James asks Littler, to which he shakes his head somewhat confused. "Well, these are like sweet treats that we have here in Wales and I thought that you could try one before you go on stage. Would you like to try one?"

Despite being put on the spot, Littler isn't into the idea however. "Nah, I'm alright," he says with a wry smile.

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